I-Medi Clinic Japan Co., Ltd. | Company Profile
Company name:I Medical Japan Co., Ltd. (IMJ)-アイメディカルJAPAN株式会社
Location:Kakuda-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka Hankyu Grand Building 20F
Representative Directo Motohiro Tenmoku
The desire for a healthy and prosperous life is a universal wish.
We are impressed by the joy of being born in Japan, a peaceful and beautiful country, and our greatest goal is to create a healthy and bright society and to contribute to the health of humankind through medical treatment. Medical care is supported by the team power of all medical personnel involved. As a member who supports team medical care, we will take responsibility and contribute to the development of medical care. You can say that you are healthy with a healthy body and a peaceful mind. We want you to live a healthy, cheerful and energetic life full of dreams and hopes.
We would like to pay attention to people all over the world and make a peaceful and bright future as an earthling and realize a sustainable society of SDGs. That is the wish of all of us IMJ Corporation employees.
Although it is still a new company, We would like to contribute to Japan-China friendship as a member of the Japan-China Friendship Association.
Representative Director Motohiro Tenmoku