
I Medical JAPAN Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "The company") Regarding the handling of personal information of the course in the service(Hereinafter referred to as "The service". ) provided on this website, the privacy Policy (Hereinafter referred to as "The Policy". ) is defined as follows.

The first (Personal information)

"Personal information" refers to "personal information" as defined in the Personal Information Protection Law, is the information about personal living individuals.
The Information that can identify a specific individual by name, date of birth, address, telephone number, contact information, and other descriptions contained in this information, also data related to facial fingerprints,vocal prints ,plus the information that can identify a specific individual from the relevant information alone, such as the insurer number of the health insurance card (personal identification information).

The second (Method of collecting personal information)

When the user registers for use, the company will ask for personal information such as name, date of birth, address, telephone number, mail address, bank account number, credit card number, driver's license number, etc.
In addition,the partners of the company (including information provider, advertiser, advertisement delivery destination, etc.).may collect information on transaction records and payments, including personal information of users who were made between users and the partners etc.

Article 3 Purpose to collect and utilize personal information)

The purpose of the company to collect and utilize personal information as follows.

  1. For service provision and operation of the company
  2. For answering the inquiry from the users (including identity verification)
  3. For new function of the service when users are in use, updating information campaign etc. and sending the information of other service guidance provided by the company.
  4. For contacting with necessary maintenance, important notices etc.
  5. For identifying the user who is violated to the terms of use and the user who tries to use the service for iniquitous and unmerited purposes,and refusing them to use.
  6. For viewing and changing your own registration information,viewing the use situation for the user.
  7. For requesting the user bill in a paid service.
  8. Purpose that attached to the above use purpose.

The fourth (the change of utilize purpose)

  1. The company only change the utilize purpose of personal information before the utilize purpose is changed and when it has relevance and it is reasonably recognized.
  2. If the change of the utilize purpose happens,about the purpose after change,The company will notify the user by the company's own way and publish it on the website.

The fifth (Personal information provide d by third party)

  1. The company except the below situation The company will not provide personal information to the third party without getting the consent of the user.
    But except for the situation that it’s recognized by personal information protection law and other laws.
    1. The situation that when it is necessary for the protection of a person's life, body or property, and when it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
    2. The situation that when it is especially necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of sound parenting of children, when it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
    3. In cases when it is necessary to cooperate with the agency of the national government or the local government or the person who has received the entrustment executes the affairs specified by laws and regulations,when there is a risk that it may cause obstacles to the implementation of the affairs due to the person obtain the consent.
    4. When the following matters are notified or announced in advance and the company submits report to the personal information protection committee.
    5. Including providing utilize purpose information to the third party.
    6. Items of data which is provided by the third party.
    7. Ways or methods of providing to the third party.
    8. Stop providing personal information to the third party due to the person”s request.
    9. The method of accepting the request of the person.
  2. Regardless of the provision of the previous items, the provider of the information is not the third party under the following circumstances.
    1. When the company entrusts to process all or part of personal information within the scope required for the purpose of use.
    2. In the case where personal information is provided in accordance with the business of the merger and other reasons.
    3. In the case where the personal information is jointly used with a specific person,to that effect,about the items of personal information used jointly,range of people who use it jointly,utilize purpose of the user,management of the personal information,When the name or name of the responsible person is notified to the person in advance or placed in a state where the person can easily know.

The sixth (Disclosure of personal information)

  1. When the company is asked to disclose personal information from the person,for the person, we will disclose it as soon as possible ,but if it comes to one of the following situation by disclosing, it may not disclose all or only disclose part of it,If we decide to not disclose it, we will notify that effect as soon as possible.In addition, when disclosing personal information, we will charge the service charge for announcements of per case.
    1. If there is a risk of harming the life, physical, property and other rights interests of the person or the third party.
    2. If there is a risk that significantly affects the proper implementation of our business.
    3. If there is a risk that significantly affects the proper implementation of the company’s business.
  2. Regardless of the provision of the previous items,as principles we do not disclose other information but personal information.

The seventh (Correction and deletion of personal information)

  1. If the personal information held by the company is incorrect, the user may request the Company to correct, add or delete (Hereafter referred to as "correction etc.") the personal information according to the procedure specified by the Company.
  2. If the company receive the request set forth in the preceding paragraph from the user and determine that it is necessary to respond to the request, we will correct the personal information without delay.
  3. If the company makes correction etc. based on the provisions of the preceding paragraph,or when it is decided not to make correction etc.we will notify users of this without delay.

The eighth (suspension of use of personal information, etc.)

  1. The reason why our company handles personal information beyond the scope of the purpose of use, or if you are requested to suspend or delete the use (Hereinafter referred to as "suspension of use, etc.") because it was acquired by fraudulent means, we will conduct the necessary investigation without delay.
  2. If it is determined that it is necessary to respond to the request based on the investigation results specified in the preceding paragraph, the use of personal information will be suspended immediately.
  3. When the company do the suspension of use, etc.based on the provisions items,or if it is decided not to do the suspension of use, etc., we will notify users of this without delay.
  4. Regardless of the provision of the previous 2 items,if you have a large amount of expenses for suspension of use, etc.or when it is difficult to suspend the use, etc.or if necessary alternative measures to protect the rights and interests of users can be taken, then this alternative measures should be taken.

The ninth(Changes of Privacy Policy)

  1. Except for other matters stipulated by laws and regulations and this policy, the content of this policy may be changed without notifying users.
  2. Unless otherwise specified by the Company, the changed privacy policy shall be effective from the time it is posted on this website.

The tenth (Inquiry window)

For inquirying about this policy, please contact the following.

住所:阪市北区角田町8-47 阪急グランドビル20F
Address:8-47 Kakud-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka Hankyu Grand Building 20F
Company name:I-Medical Japan Co., Ltd.
Department: International Medical Promotion Office
Please contact us from the link "Mail Form" at the bottom of the page.

Click here for inquiries